The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research performs a collection of used mobile phones throughout Germany in cooperation with VERE e.V. and take-e-way

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research performs a collection of used mobile phones throughout Germany in cooperation with the VERE Association and take-e-way in schools.

© Wissenschaftsjahr Zukunftsprojekt Erde / BMBF, Parl. Staatssekretär Thomas Rachel mit den Partnern der Handy-Aktion (v.l.n.r.): Harald Geywitz (E-Plus Gruppe), Dr. Maria-Jolanta Welfens (WI), Dr. Fritz Lauer (Telekom Deutschland GmbH/Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH), Dirk Ulrich (TEQPORT Services), Thomas Rachel, Dr. Thomas Michael Schüller (Vodafone D2 GmbH), Dr. Markus Sardison (Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG), Jochen Stepp (VERE e.V.)

Berlin/Hamburg (Germany) – The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research performs a collection of used mobile phones throughout Germany in cooperation with the VERE Association for the take-back and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (VERE e.V. registered association) and take-e-way in the Science Year 2012 – "Project Earth: Our Future" under the title “The raw material expedition” in schools.

The Institute of Environmental communication of the Leuphana University in Lüneburg, the IASS Potsdam – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. and the Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH (Institute for climate, environment, energy) mutually developed the scientific basis of the mobile phone campaign. The Telekom Deutschland GmbH, the E-Plus Group, the Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG and the Vodafone D2 GmbH support the collection. 

Thus, for the first time the four large network operators of Germany are participating in an area-covering collection of used mobile phones in cooperation with VERE and take-e-way.

Raw material sensitization of the future generations

The VERE Association and take-e-way welcome this campaign, since this way future generations are becoming aware of an effective recovery of waste and an efficient recycling. This is the result of raw material sensitization of young people.

Based on the example of the mobile phone in particular the attention of adolescents is called on the numerous raw materials which are included in electronic devices. Researchers have conceived a scientifically sound learning and working material for the raw material expedition, in order to be able to deal with the topic of handling a limited quantity of available resources in class: beside looking to the valuable resources they also focus on the conscious use of mobile phones and reflecting about one's own consumer habits.

Valuable raw materials of unused or defective mobile phones shall be made usable by recovery of waste or recycling with the collection campaign of mobile phones throughout Germany.

“We all have to take the responsibility to maintain the basis of life also for the following generations – the research, the economy and the consumers. The campaign of mobile phones is a good example for the fact that researchers do not think up their findings on their own, but that they are working on specific things which are dealing with our daily routine." said Thomas Rachel, Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Do not badmouth initiatives, but do a good job

On the occasion of the kick-off press conference regarding the collection of used mobile phones throughout Germany of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research on August 28th in Berlin/Germany said the VERE chairman Jochen Stepp: “Regulations for recycling are of no use if you do not reach the heads of the people. Therefore, we think that the initiatives of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research or of the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Health are outstanding. They focus on making people aware of the fact that today's mobile phones contain lots of raw materials for the mobile phone of the next generation. For this reason VERE and take-e-way support the campaign."

“We think that just the fact that the authorities which otherwise only demand are setting a good example with positive collection campaigns. This is finally a good example for the fact that campaigns for maintaining raw material are not only badmouthed, but that also good jobs may be done. We think in particular the professional preparation of the campaign by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is admirable.“ continued Jochen Stepp.

Continuation of the initiative of the StMUG

For the VERE Association and its admitted collective take-back system “take-e-way”, the raw material expedition according to the voluntary take-back system for small electrical devices and energy-saving lamps in Hamburg, the "European green capital" 2011and the collection of used mobile phones "Disposing of the mobile phone in a clever way" under the direction of the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Health already performed the third comprehensive collection campaign.

The collection throughout Germany is again performed in cooperation with the engineering office for sustainable communicating, Eficom, and the Teqport GmbH, which supports the campaign as specialist in the field “2nd life cycle solutions” when reusing and marketing the used mobile phones.

At this, VERE ensures that the devices intended for certain reuse may only be resold after successful and recorded functional test and the deleting of data and also ensures the avoidance of the "gray" export in the third-world markets. 

About take-e-way

- Founded in 2004 in Hamburg
- Currently 13 employees
- Management: Jochen Stepp, Oliver Friedrichs

Business Fields: take-e-way GmbH at Hamburg/Germany assumes the implementation of requirements and obligations in conformity with the law according to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG/WEEE), Battery Act (BattG) and Packaging Ordinance (VerpackV) for medium-sized companies in Germany and abroad.

VERE Association: take-e-way represents the interests of more than 2'500 small and medium-sized companies even at political level in cooperation with the Verband zur Rücknahme und Verwertung von Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräten (VERE e.V.) (= VERE Association for the take-back and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (VERE e.V. registered association)) founded in 2003, the organization of suppliers, manufacturers, trade associations and individual persons for implementation of the ElektroG in Germany having the largest number of members.

About the raw material expedition

The raw material expedition – “Discover what is included in your mobile phone” is a campaign of the Science Year 2012 – "Project Earth: Our Future". The Science Years are an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in cooperation with the Science Dialog (=Wissenschaft im Dialog) (WiD).

Since 2000 they promote the exchange between the public and research. In the Science Year 2012 the project for the future of the Earth is focused on thee central questions: How do we want to live? How do we need to keep house? And: How can we preserve our environment? In this way, the Science Year 2012 promotes the social debate about the targets, challenges and fields of action of a sustainable development.

Press Contacts

take-e-way GmbH

Christoph Brellinger
Corporate Communications
Liebigstraße 64
22113 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40/750687-111
Fax: +49 (0)40/750687-101

Editorial Office of the Science Year 2012 "Project Earth: Our Future"

Selina Byfield
Saarbrücker Straße 37
10405 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30/308811-49
Fax: +49 (0)30/308811-11

Christoph Brellinger

Christoph Brellinger
Executive secretary

Phone: +49 40 750687-200